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Friday, June 16, 2006

Make Money Fast Jason Calacanis Secrets

It is really no secret that top blogger Jason Calacanis is a make-money-fast expert. The man in a controversial post (go to page advertising free ezine) revealed how he was on course to making a million dollars from Adsense.

However what many people are not aware of are the make money secrets that Calacanis uses to pull in such huge traffic and inevitably such high Adsense earnings.
There is one particular make money fast link generation technique that he uses that almost magically creates thousands of one way links pointing at his blog post in a matter of hours. Yes I said thousands. Yes I am aware that it takes most webmasters and bloggers years to accumulate 1,000 links. Years of sweat, blood, desperate emails and persuasion to get 1,000 lousy links pointing at your site. This guy does it in hours. No emails, no persuasion.

For months now I've been closely studying his moves to try and discover Calacanis make money secrets that he himself would never divulge. I have then tested some of these techniques myself with astounding results. I am still trying to perfect these amazing methods but what I can tell you is that here is a man who has studied human nature and what triggers high traffic to blogs and then he has thrown his emotions and feelings out of the window and fully concentrated his every waking hour to generating idea after idea in line with those principals.

The results speak for themselves and this blogger has been able to make loads of money very fast from Adsense and other direct advertisers at his blog.

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Make Money Fast Jason Calacanis Link Generation Ideas

In this article I am going to talk about the secret make money fast link generation technique that top million dollar blogger Jason Calacanis has perfected.
It is a simple trick, but the execution and idea generation is the tricky part. Start off by asking yourself what sort of resource or article you would love to link to right away. Program the wonderful computer you're carrying on your shoulder to generate make money fast link generation ideas for you. Focus, really focus your mind on that problem.
There are a few aspects of human nature that you need to be aware of before you go into this exercise. The most important is that controversy sells because it attracts human attention. It actually excites. Ask yourself why most folks love to gossip about most things and carefully study the contents of their gossip. What kind of gossip really sells. The controversial outrageous ones of course.
In the Calacanis post that I believe broke all records in terms of link generation (even I linked to it – I couldn't help myself) a reader makes a revealing observation. Here is the comment in their words; " You didn't sound so gungho about Google AdSense at SXSW when you were raking them over the coals in the panel session." Virtually all other comments were answered by Calacanis, but this particular one went unanswered. Not really surprising, behind this apparent sudden change of heart is the most astounding and powerful make money fast link generation idea and technique.

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Blog Make Money Fast Jason Calacanis Link Generation Secret

The blog make money fast link generation post by millionaire blogger Jason Calacanis that broke all records was the one where he announced that he was on course to make a million dollars from the Google Adsense program.
This was a very controversial post that caught everybody's attention. It was the sort of post that grabbed visitors by their necks and ordered them to link to the article immediately. Every blog promoting Adsense or Adsense make money fast techniques just had to link to this post. Even other bloggers arguing over the possible motive or repercussions of such a controversial post just had to link to it. In a matter of hours the links were accumulating fast and thick, even as visitors to the blog remained puzzled as to why somebody would want to risk having their Adsense account deleted making such a move. Smart Jason Calacanis must have already talked to the folks at Adsense (this was also a lovely promotional piece for them as well).
As they say, a million bucks is a million bucks. That figure in itself was part of the magic that got this fascinating post lots of attention and lots of one way links effortlessly. Apart from the longer-term SEO effects of accumulating links for sites, there is the massive traffic a site will enjoy from having such a large number of relevant links suddenly pointing at you. No other blog post in history that I know of has been able to make so much money so fast for a blogger.
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