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Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Google SEO advice that will get you way ahead of the pack

You are about to read the best Google SEO advice that anybody will ever give you. At first site it may appear to be nothing much but don’t be fooled into taking it at face value. Look at it again and again and test it and study it deeper. You will never regret it. I assure you that if you use it as your guiding principle you will always excel in seo and win massive valuable highly targeted traffic to your site from the Google search engine.

The tip is: Just focus on the user experience in everything that you do.

It is amazing when you consider all the effort that many people still put into trying to “beat the Google search engine” instead of the much easier path of working with the Google search engine on your side.

But how do you work with the Google search engine rather than against it?

It is very simple. Google has become the most popular search engine in the world by far by focusing with single-minded determination on enhancing the user experience at all times. So all you need to do is focus on the user experience. I have become very successful by simply doing this and nothing else.

After you have done your keyword research and have decided which keyword phrase to go for, you need to work hard at fulfilling the following things which all go towards enhanced the user experience for anybody who gets to your site seeking information around the keyword phrases you have zeroed in on.

a) Ensure that your article is the best source of information for the keyword phrase you have chosen by carefully selecting the topic you are going to write about. Ask yourself the questions those searching on Google are asking and answer them in great detail.

b) Take a good look at the top ranking 3 pages for that keyword phrase and then work hard towards creating a much better page than the three of them combined.

c) Plan to do more articles around the same subject you have chosen and link the articles carefully and thoughtfully to each other so that somebody who lands on any of the pages will be able to click through to more information and related articles without any problems. The goal is that anybody looking for information on the subject who lands on your pages will not have to go anywhere elsewhere for more information.

d) Post all your articles at leading article directories and create links that point back to your site. Be careful to use synonyms and other related keyword phrases as your anchor text.

e) Although I have already said you should aim towards making your site a one stop place for all the information related to the keyword phrase you are targeting, it is still very important to link to other useful sites from your site that have more information on the same subject. Try and look at your information critically and decide where you fall short and then select sites that excel in that particular area. For instance you may not have any diagrams or illustrations on your site so look for sites that have them and link to them.

f) Make sure you constantly update information around your subject with the user experience on your mind at all times so that when you are done you can even translate all your information to a very useful and valuable book.

If you focus on the user experience and do all these things I have mentioned and more, there is no way your article can be kept away from being ranked amongst the top in Google rankings.

If you examine the simple suggestions that I have made in this article, you will realize that a lot of powerful SEO things that all the gurus usually practice fall under these general rules. Like having keyword phrases hyperlinked within the article and also having an article that is as informative as possible and not an article that is way too brief and with no substance.

This is no theory. I have seen it work for me many times and there is no doubt on my mind whatsoever that it is the best Google SEO advice you will get anywhere.

Get more Google SEO advice. Or find a writer who practices this Google SEO advice.